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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

SOCIETY WON'T LIKE IT:Guns Don't Kill People, People With Guns Kill People, and That Means You

 You know, since the shooting up in Connecticut  the USA has been in a tizzy, and baby when I tell you that the guns is out. I ain’t talkin no metaphor! Now let me be real clear for all of you “OBAMA TRYIN TO TAKE MY GUNS” folks out there, you are neither a patriot nor a militia men, and you are crazy if you think you are.

The second amendment ceases to apply to you past your right to “bear arms”

I say again, an overwhelming desire to own and being butt-hurt cause the governemt says you can’t own certain types of guns does not make you a patriot. What you are is a butt-hurt hobbyist that is mad that you can’t own the same shit you saw in an action movie. Look, it’s ok to like guns. I like guns, hell I am a little known Georgia black history fact. I am the first African American to be on the Georgia all state team for what?

Wait for it


'Murica( pewpewpew)
So yeah, I am not just some liberal that doesn’t want everyone G.I. JOE’d up, but the fact still remains that folks that want all this equipment that police and military folks have really just want it to win any big dick contest around the ammo depot about what you just got.
So after you admit you are a hobbyist at best, let’s talk about what everyone’s go too excuse for all the cool ass military hardware!

Home defense.

Now let me say this, I honestly think that when people are so adamant about the “I want the biggest guns to defend my home” what they are really saying is, “I wish someone would try to rob me” because in your heart of hearts you just want to gun someone down and get off scott free cause they wanted something that belonged to you or because you “felt” like they “May” harm you.

Travon Martin anyone? Daniel Adkins Jr? Jordan Davis?

A kid gets killed for what exactly, cause he looked suspicious and a guy with a gun got into a fist fight with him?

here for business, but ready to party
To be honest, and I dare any gun enthusiast or hobbyist to deny the fact that the best home self defense weapon is a shot gun with a big ass light at the end of it(light optional). I am going to go out on a limb here and say that for the most part there is nothing in your house that is worth risking your life for. TV’s Xbox’s, laptops, etc all get covered by your homeowners insurance, but then again there is no fixing a broken ego.

So Serious
I remember when I was thirteen, I was in the seventh grade and I had gotten this cross colors jacket. If you don’t know what cross colors was it was the premiere clothing line back in the day. Man, folks in waycross would drive to Jacksonville to go shopping for them, so there was some repeats walking around, but see I was from augusta, and that is where my mom would get my clothes.  My mom got me this cross colors jacket that was one of a kind…in waycross. Black with a muti-colored hood of red, yellow, and gold, and you couldn’t tell me I wasn’t fly. One day in gym, a kid that was supposed to be in high school came and pilfered my jacket, and a bigger kid’s shoes. My mom knew my jacket was stolen before she picked me up, but in the mean time between time I was sitting in front of the school freezing. Then I saw my jacket running from the corner store in-between bailey heights projects. The jacket was followed by a crowd of fifteen or so kids. So you know what I did?

I remember not getting this shirt as a kid
I took off running after my jacket.

The short sprint lead me to this house where the bigger kid was outside demanding that the thief return the items stolen…well actually he wanted him to come outside so he could beat his ass, I joined in as best I could(I was not a very intimidating child by any means). The kid would say, “Bring his ASS outside!!!” I would say, “I just want my jacket!!!” long story short, I got my jacket back without having to get into a fight. I was really stoked about it, and when I emerged from baily heights I saw my moms car…
And she was none too happy.

First, why was I in the projects?
See, but my jacket was stolen and I-
See my mom already knew about my jacket being stolen from the gym and she was more upset at the fact that I would go running into the projects for a jacket, my mom said to me,

 “I can get you another jacket, but I can’t get another you”

What I learned that day was that there is no material object that is worth my life or even a fight to the death that I could possibly win.

Actual Home Self-Defense
That being said, if someone is in your house and you are alone I don’t think you should start a gun fight or even shoot first. I honestly think that you should barricade yourself in your bedroom with your shotgun pointed at the door. If they want your TV, fine. If they want your xbox, fine. If they want your silver, fine. Now if they decide to venture to your bed room or whatever safe place you have established in your home, the intruders forfeit their lives. It is as easy as that.

Everything else is really for shits and giggles. I mean the only thing that makes an assault rifle and assault rifle is how bad ass it looks. Seriously, you can get any rifle in any caliber to look like just about anything you want. Now, actual hobbyist would say that an "Assault" rifle, would be anything that shoots fully automatic. I agree with this statement fully along with my opinion that most people consider how a gun looks before it's rate of fire when coming to that conclusion.

I'm Soooo Scary
So what is the issue? If you ask me, it comes down to caliber and capacity. If someone can explain to me the actual practical reason to have a high capacity magazine outside of the bragging rights and resale value(keep reading), I am all ears. If you are deer hunting and you need more than three shots to take down a buck, you are doing something wrong. Most people that are all about gun legislation don’t have a background in shooting for fun, sport, or hunting. So their arguments are easily thwarted by this thing called education. I mean, what is the difference between this rifle and this one?

I'm Sooooo Cute
 Nothing, they fire the same ammunition. One just looks like something RAMBO would carry, and the other is something that a five year old in south georgia would carry. If it looks scary it must be banned, but it isn’t even that simple. There is a lot of convoluted stuff in these gun bans, but there will always be loopholes, work arounds, and name changes because….
 Guns are an investment. If you buy a gun today, and sell it tomorrow at a lower price than what you paid for it you are stupid. So if you own two AR-15’s that you bought for around 800.00 before Obama(keep in mind he made no new legislation during his first term concerning guns) got elected the first time and you are selling it now for around 1,500.00 because someone thinks that they can’t get one, well you have just about doubled your money and had a good time shooting this weapon at bales of hay, deer, and all sorts of stuff before you sold it, and that is fine too. Most people that would pay such a large price for such a weapon deserve to pay it. After all, this is capitalism at its finest.

Lets take a moment and watch a few videos, this is an AR-15 semi automatic

This is a video of the same weapon now FULL AUTO

Overkill Much?
Let me say again, I am not against the AR-15 or even the .223 ammunition it fires, but I am against zealots that cling to their guns as if it is their god given right. I see a lot of people talking about forefathers and what they envisioned and all that self-righteous bull-shit. I mean half of the people pumping all of that nonsense wouldn’t have been able to vote if the constitution was viewed as it was intended. As a matter of fact, neither would I, but guess what the constitution got changed or amended to include me and all other minorities that are citizens. Why was that, because the world changed, People changed, and the constitution which is viewed as a living document changed, and all y’all are going to have to change with it.

2nd Amendment FTW!!! 
See, but the real quick way to get gun control passed without issue is really simple. I mean it already happened in California. All you need to do is get some MINORITIES to embrace the 2nd amendments with the same fervor that WHITE PEOPLE have, and you can watch all the legislation get done in record time. Just as sure as I did not get arrested cause I had my white friend with me during a waffle house incident. I bet that if there was all of a sudden influx of African Americans joining the NRA or heaven forbid another organization that has a foundation in black communities supporting a gun for every (black)man, SHHHHHIIITTTTT I am here to tell you, republicans will start demanding masters degrees in order to shoot spit balls out of a straw. The first time “Tenisha Watkins” starts showing up to the range with “Tyrone Jenkins” on the regular and they start bringing the family out, laws will change. LAWD, Jesus when the Mexicans start buying guns for the family, the laws going to change. I can tell you right now, if I was to be walking around town open carrying a pistol I assure you that I would be stopped and questioned by some authorities, and YOU KNOW IT’s TRUE!!!!

Don’t believe me?

That's They Nigggggaaaa!
Look up the Mulford Act signed in to law by (certain)”White Folks Favorite” Ronald Regan himself! Check it out, it was pretty straight forward. It prohibited the carrying of loaded firearms. Now what prompted that quick piece of legislature, I don’t know there was this group of people that were standing outside the senate house with guns on display exercising their 2nd amendment right. It was Bobby Seale and some of his friends who are commonly referred to as the Black Panther Party for Self-defense. Which I believe that is the best example of a people being oppressed by their own government and exercising their 2nd Amendment right, the way people now a days are claiming that they are being oppressed in the United States, if you can’t see it, you need to do some soul searching(research).