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Friday, February 18, 2011

KenNitro Vs. Fake People : can it be so simple?

Fake people are always interesting to me, you know everyone can sit and tell you about how they know someone that is in fact fake, and I am willing to venture if you took the time to read this, it's because you yourself know some fake people.

Truth be told, you are probably fake yourself.

Just as I refer to myself as a "Situational Bad Guy"(I explained that in a blog so I am not going to repeat myself), people are situationally fake(just like you!) The problem you have with other fake people is the same thing that they have with you.



You know, I fake it...I even fake it when other people are faking it, it is one huge imaginary party where everyone is acting as if they are really excited about some variable that in reality they all wish didn't exist. It is really self-serving, fake people can just chalk it right on up and call it a head fake secretly while they know just how much they are flexing.

My problem is that I have learned to leave well enough alone.

So in reality, I am actually enabling the fake people to keep being fake, kind of like a magicians assistant. I mean, they know they aren't really being sawed in half, but they have to act as though they are just as surprised to see their legs moving on their own as they are separated from their lower regions, and they don't even have a sigh of relief when they are joined back together.

See, they are not ignorant of the situation, they are just being fake.

Like most things in life, you got two choices.

You can check it or respect it, but after either choice

you got to god bless it.