So I wrote a blog…and what happened is that someone at the facility
felt some sort of way about it. Personally, I don’t care. Let me say it again,
I don’t care.
Oh if you are new to this little slice of the interweb you
can find the blog in question in its entirety here*
Anyway, so I wrote this blog back in February, and
everything that I wrote all the way up to when I hit the post button, was some
of the realest shit I ever wrote. What I did not take into consideration was
that eyes were watching.
I don’t care.
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Got to let your next move be ya best move! |
This was in March.
Now, I will admit I haven’t posted anything since February
for a few reasons, which I will get into later, but the prominent one was that
I knew I was going to have to readjust my writing style as it concerns the
facility. With a shake of a hand, and stroke of a pen, KenNitro was catapulted
to a new high,
And the haters had not only fired off their first rounds,
but they had reloaded.
At the time, I hadn’t even got into this new mode yet, and
the whisper campaign had already begun.
Some people I knew ahead of time, were out to get me.
Well, folks may say, “Ken, do these folks really have that
much of a hard on for you, and your destruction?”
My response would be, “Go and ask them, and when you tell
me, we will both know”, but the thing is
I don’t care.
So, while I was settling into this new vehicle that I am
driving I got an email, from the “Man Behind The Curtain” Scott Merrit Himself.
This was strange, I rarely speak to the man, and now I am getting an email, about
a meeting, that none one else knows about.
Yeah right, people knew, but for some reason telling me what
subject of the meeting was about before I go had to have been punishable by
death or listening to justin beiber. I hold none of my (direct)bosses, at
fault, after all, you were doing what you were told.
So, I get to the jump off and here I am sitting across from “The
Man Himself” and we just sat there.
Now I can’t tell you what was on his mind, but I can tell
you what I did.
I read the room.
Dude’s desk looks like organized confusion, while I am sure
he knows where and what everything is, so I can’t figure out what he is wanting
to talk with me about, but he got right into it.
“Ken, I read your blog”
My response was genuine, “Which one?”
It was this one here.
To be honest, I don’t think he actually cared about my blog.
Too be honest, I don’t think my blog was even on his radar, until one of the
haters put him on to it. Even then, from the time that I posted the blog to the
time that he and I sat down to have a chat about it was almost two months.
Two months.
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I See You Lookin |
I am going to go out on a limb and say that, “The Boss of
All Bosses” has other shit to do with his day besides read my blog.
Unlike some of his underlings, they are probably reading this right now :-)
So as we speak, I realize that not only does he not care,
but he is really speaking to me because other folks keep running and telling. I
can imagine the conversation goes something like this:
BOSS: Yes, what is it now?
Hater: Ken…He’s doing it again!!!
BOSS: Doing what?
Hater: He writin’bout , but he
dont call it that, he calls it the facility!
Hater: Annnnd, he be talkin bout work! He be talkin all about
BOSS: Well does he mention anyone by name?
Hater: Naww, but he be changin’um
BOSS: Does he talk about any work related incidents?
Hater: Yeah, YEAH, he be talkin bout work all the time,
but.. I’s not real sure bout what he be talkin bout
BOSS: I don’t care.
I understand his position, see he has these bitch as haters
that run tell that, and him not caring isn’t good enough for these bitch ass
haters, these bitch ass haters start running their pie holes and this meeting
was less about me and my blog and more about him addressing it with me so he
can tell these bitch ass haters to fall back.
So he can get some real work done.
We sat and talked for about an hour, about my blog in
general, the blog in question, and how I was adjusting to life on the
Haters, you played your best and it wasn’t good enough. I suppose you were hoping I would get my feelings hurt, or maybe get a verbal beat down. Possibly a re-enactment of this scene here
I am not going to lie, I wouldn't be upset at all if this scene was re-enacted.
We all know that you people would not be satisfied with that, to satisfy the blood lust of these harpies one needs something more physical they would be pleased as pie if it was this!
I am laughing cause it's true. This is really what they want. It's no fun if you never see'em sweat right? See the thing is, none of the above happened. Not even close. That's why I haven't posted anything until now and even then I am still talking about this right here
My blog is not going anywhere, the previous one is staying up in it's entirety, you can troll my facebook, you can request all the friendships, use other peoples logins, hell you can even call up ex girlfriends for the dirt. COME AT ME BRO!!!!
I don't care.
This above interview pretty much how I see myself dealing with any of you, if any of you were actually bold enough to make yourself known.
I don’t care.
I did on the other hand post a challenge, to further
demonstrate how bitch ass, these bitch ass haters are. This is what was on my
facebook page on may 3rd
"...Ken whats up
with all the hater statuses?..." I got asked that today. My response is
that the haters/groupies/malcontents or whatever you want to call them do not
rest. for instance, I get pulled to the side because one of you Facility folks
has a problem with my ode to the tv show hell on wheels, get a life. Seriously,
I will buy you lunch if you man up and reveal your identity in a PM. HELL I
WILL CUT MY HAIR, if you post in the comment section who you are and let the
world see who it is. Come at me bro!”
Look at that, I call them out, I give them a chance to
attain IMMORTALITY, as the individual that made me cut my hair. Hell, they
looked to get lunch and LEGENDARY status, all in one swoop. All they had to do
was step out into the light. They did none of the sort, as I expected.
Coward(s). I know you are not alone.
The best part is that I know who you are.
And when one of the rank and file told me your name, I
laughed, mainly because I was not surprised. Hell, it would almost be funny, if
you were not so sad in the first place. I leave you with a quote from one of the greatest martial artist ever.
"Death comes for us all...but when you die it will be something much worse comes for you, for when you die, it will be without honor" Master Hamato Yoshi(see what I did right there)
"Death comes for us all...but when you die it will be something much worse comes for you, for when you die, it will be without honor" Master Hamato Yoshi(see what I did right there)
So please, continue your campaign. I don’t care. Run and tell everything. I don’t
Yours Truly,
“The Walkin’ Boss” KenNitro.
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