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Monday, December 16, 2013

(C)Rap Music needs a Reboot.

Soooo this whole year I have been trying to bring back regular rap music. Matter of fact, most rap now a days is crap so you could almost call it crap music.  This past year, I have bee running a "Real Hip Hop" Friday on my actual facebook page. I had a good time doing it. 52 weeks, 52 different videos, and it sometimes a few people didn't know that they liked rap music that didn't have drake "The human cupcake" crooning on a beat about how sad he is and the next chick is going to be badder than the last.

I thought it was bad when rap was just about the money, hoes, and clothes.

Music wise, I have been listening to a lot of battle rap on youtube. To be honest, battle rap is slick cool as hell.

Two Guys, basically orating in front of a huge crowed claiming that the other is gay, afraid, broke, unable to satisfy women, on drugs, false claiming gang affiliation, as well as questionable criminal activities. Here are a couple of video's of worth watching. 


So rap music these days is missing a serious lack of story telling. Sure, a producer can make a beat. Some new artist can get an established artist on a track and vice versa. Then somebody can pay somebody else to come up with the hook and 


That is how a hit is made.

What's missing is the ability to tell a story.

So in no particular order, I am going to share with you all songs and maybe even a few albums that do just that, "Tell a story", consider it my REAL HIP HOP FRIDAY HOLIDAY BLITZ


Taco Day

My favorite track by this female MC. To be honest, this track is more epic and has a better delivery than Eminem's Stan. 

Dance with the devil

One of the first tracks I heard from this artist. I wanna say this song was on the soundtrack from one of the final destination movies. 

Nature of the Threat

Rass Kass killed it on this track. One can sit and argue the historical accuracy all you want, that just means you listened to the song.

Uncommon Valor

R.A. The Rugged Man's verse on this track by itself is one of the top verses from the 2000's

I just can't seem to get into this new rap past anyone not named Hospin So if you know anything that is hot from any where hit a brother up!

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