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Monday, March 12, 2012

An EPIC poem: By KenNitro

The Constantly Burning Building

There was once a man, and like most men he aspired to be many things, but above all he simply wished to create and be a part of something magical. One day, the man, like others before him made a decision. He decided to build a tower that all could see.  Many people supported, discouraged, and were sometimes indifferent to his pursuit, but as these people’s feelings changed about his quest to build this tower, his resolve did not.

One day, on a day like most, but different from others, this man, this would be architect met someone. Someone so different but undertaking a similar endeavor as he. “Oh how the GODS favor me”, he exclaimed! “You wish to create, and be a part of something magical, surely we were placed on our paths at a time when we would meet at this precise moment”. “We are meant to create”

“And so we shall” she said, four words said with the warmth of the sun shining on your face. This man, captured in this moment went to work, and he constructed a tower. A rather simple tower, but a tower none the less. He was pleased, while he knew in his heart of hearts that this tower, a rather simple tower but a creation that he created none the less was not what he imagined, his resolve did not falter.  He turned to his partner, this celestial being whose words were physically warm and said, “This tower for now, will suffice, but I assure you, we will build upon this and it will become more grand than the grandest of all things”
She smiled, This smile, that was strong enough to quell the frustrations of monetary inequalities, the smile that assured this man that he was more than capable, the very same smile that kept him focused when it seemed as though the universe itself meant to divide his attention.

And with that assurance, he went to sleep.

The next day approached as was expected, like any other day, and this man woke, like most others. As went to where his tower, the rather simple structure, stood, he found nothing but ashes.  His tower had been burned down. He lay in the ashes for the entire day, reflecting on where he went wrong, speculating on who would commit such an affront. Wondering where his muse was.  He found his resolve, shocked that what he thought was days gone by were simply hours.

Acquiesced that the tower’s apparent destruction was due to his own imprudence and not the desires of others, he began anew. Before rebuilding the tower, not the rather simple structure that it was, this man decided to venture out into the world and see the towers that have built around him. He traveled far, and saw many towers that were constructed during his travels. He learned from their builders, for they all have had a tower burn. Some knew that they were the cause of the destruction of their previous towers, and they somehow continued to make the same mistakes this was evident by the rock piles surrounding the current edifice.

Others whom had the misfortune of their towers being burned, struck by lightning, swallowed by earthquakes or an infinite combinations of calamity’s took the time to learn from their blunders and their towers were strong, so strong that this man stood in awe. He said to himself, “Yes! YES!!!, this is what a proper tower looks like” This new tower of mine will be just as this one, and he set out to return to his homeland with this new vision. As the time went by he laughed to himself at how proud he was of the first tower, a rather simple structure, but one that he created none the less, and he remembered the warmth he felt from the celestial being that was present at the inception and at moments throughout his endeavor he wondered where she was.

One day he took a break, while he had yet to break a sweat, this day like any other day, was just a too beautiful to spend it working. This day reminded him of her, how her mere presence made everyday feel just like this exact moment. He looked to the sun and covered his eyes, and while tearing from looking directly in the sun’s rays, he said to himself, “We were suppose to create” and as he began to go back to work he heard a voice behind him say, “And so we shall”.

And there she was, and as elated as he was to see her return, he was equally vexed by her abrupt exodus and her subsequent reappearance. He wanted to verbalize his frustrations at the destruction of the first tower, as well as his travels, and he wanted to know why she took herself away from him. He was so happy to be angry.

Then she smiled, she smiled that reassuring smile, and his anger faded away, the way the fog swallows up a person as they walk deeper into it. She asked, “How did you do this without me? I thought we were going to create something magical”. The man, stopped and said, every day has been for you, every day I hoped for you’re returned. With all things in place, he set a pace and produced a tower even grander than the one he originally emulated. This tower, much more complex than the previous one was in fact something to be proud of.

And this man was captivated, not so much because of the tower, he was just as proud of the first tower, he was happy that she was happy, and it seemed as the world itself was in agreement with him.  Every day was just as warm as the day this celestial muse returned to him, They spent many days in the tower feasting one’s eyes on the landscape and each other. After a long day, like many others before, he went to sleep, and slept the sleep of gods. All things in place where they should, surely he is favored.

And when he arrived the next day, he once again saw his tower, burned to the ground. This time, there was more of it left than the complete engulfment of the first tower, that rather simple structure. This one was much more complex, and he was happy that there were remains for him to inspect. As he sifted through the remains he found parts that had little damage, that could be salvaged, and some that could not be saved. The parts of the tower that could not be saved puzzled him the most, some parts he was willing to admit he rushed in the procurement of the best materials, but what he had used was by no means cheap! The parts that he could not use appeared to have been burning on the outside, where as the more salvageable parts seemed to have been burning from the inside.

Where was she? Surely she has not left me again, taken away from me her warmth, her passion, and left me with the cold. The cold air, the cold ground, this cold heart. With those three things he started a new journey, in an effort to find a clear path. He wore his heaviest coat, to protect him from all things. As the wind blew he clutched his coat so that no part of his flesh would be in contact with the elements, the same ones that he felt showed him so much favor, now he felt as though they shunned him.

As he traveled this cold, cold, path, he came to a tower that was as magnificent as it was menacing. The tower reached high into the night sky and stretched far into the horizon.  This man, whom had built two towers, one very simple, and the other quite complex, was in awe.  So he called up to the man, hoping that he would come down off his tower and converse with him. Oh, how this man wanting to speak with the creator of this tower. By looking at it, he knew that this structure was high enough to withstand the most terrible floods, sturdy enough to endure the most awesome of earthquakes, and strong enough to withstand the vilest of fires.

No one answered. This man, waited. He waited, and while the angry wind tried to blow him away, he waited. The coldest of rain attempted to drown him, he endured. He called several times and while he thought only a short time had passed as he waited he was quite surprised to feel the warm sun under his heavy coat. This man, frustrated to no end threw his coat and said, “The hell with it then”
With that, he made his journey home. This time, with the heat bearing down upon him, He set out to build another tower, and this would be the last one.  With a passion that bordered on madness, he excavated the largest amount of earth that one man could do on his one, and built his foundation of the hardest most durable materials. This endeavor took him as long as building the first tower, that rather simple structure, all together. He was happy with that, at this point that tower, the one that he was so proud of, he held in such disgust. How can you have a tower without a strong foundation, he cursed himself for not thinking of this, the first, and second time around.

. The material, the hardest and most durable that he could find, was also the smoothest. There was no way a fire would dance on this terra firma. He then built the first floor, which the walls were there to really hold up the door, which upon viewing it up close or from afar begged the question, “Is he keeping someone out or in”. The massive lock on it assured him that it knew its purpose, and would not fail him. From there, he built a monstrous winding staircase and every three hundred or so stairs there was a smaller massive door with a smaller massive lock, and they all knew their purpose.

At the top sat his sanctuary, from there he was able to see all things in all directions. His tower or more correctly his obelisks was complete, and this man, like most men, still felt as if he was lacking, but this man, like others did not let this visibly effect him. Then one day he grasped the image that had been eluding him for so long. The fence was built in practically no time.

The fence, which was rather simple in design, but practical none the less, was bizarre to anyone that looked upon it. What could this fence do, that the massive door with the huge lock could not already do?  Either way, this man was satisfied with what he has created.

Then she came back, again. What she came back too was far beyond what she imagined. She stood outside of the fence and looked up at this obelisk. She shouted for the man, the one that had felt so loved by the world, but felt so shunned by it. She entered through the fence and stood in front of the door, but it did not budge. She cried out, but it was as if no one heard her. She continued to do so for a short time that felt as if it was a lifetime. As she cried, her tears formed a puddle on the smooth foundation that was what she was standing on. As she wept, the lock, the lock that knew its purpose opened.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Giving The Game Away part 3: Staying In the Winners Circle

So gentlemen, here we are at part three of The Epic Series Giving the Game Away, if you are new to my blog or just want to be caught up you can check out parts one and two at your leisure. Now, I hope that everyone has been having a successful time applying the lessons to your personal life, and I am going to assume that while we are still in the first quarter of 2012 everyone has seen an increase in positive interactions with whomever it is you are trying to get it in with. So while we are on the upside of things I am going to hit you with some continuing education.   See, the whole purpose is to win and winning just demonstrates that you are better than everyone else on this day and after you become the king of the hill, you got to keep everyone else down there at the bottom looking up at you and saying, “there goes the man right there”

In my short time on this earth, I have heard countless women talk about how they want more spontaneity and excitement in their relationships, when you translate it into real English what women are saying is that they want something different.  Now if you have been in a relationship for a hot minute, things tend to go like clockwork and that isn’t a bad thing, but if you already have your lady on a schedule of some type then you have done half the work. All you need to do now is just need to throw something different in there every now and again and BOOM!

there goes the man right there
You are Just the COCK Of The WALK!(in my Ric Flair voice)

What to do different? See this is where men will fail, in an effort to be different you will end up doing the same thing or quite possibly falling into an argument with your lady over the subject because while they can tell you what they don’t want to do, but not offer up any suggestions themselves about what they do want to do, the frustrations will send you back into the comfort zone that they always say they want to shake up.
First off, let’s talk about spontaneity which comes from the word spontaneous which basically means unpremeditated. Now that is what they say, but under that definition when a woman says they want something spontaneous you could just yell at their face for 15 minutes and call it a night. 

True Story.

In reality, they want something different and the easiest thing a guy can do is do something that they are already into and that you aren't.  Seriously, if your girl is into yoga go check out a class, if she is into art find a paint and sip jump off and surprise her with that. Hell all you have to do is whatever it is she does when you are not around with her once or twice every now and again.


this is where we are going
Psych!!! Get you some Soft Serve!
Now all of that leads you right into the whole excitement part. That’s just more of that daytime tv, articles written by women to modify mens behavior, jive that at the end of it all means nothing. The only thing you need to do to create this “excitement” is to do something that you all wouldn’t do in the first place. Better yet, changing plans on the fly to some degree to demonstrate that you are willing to go with the flow. Now when I say to some degree, I don’t mean telling her we are going to Pappadeaux and then take them to Zesto, but something along the lines of on the way to where ever we are going, let’s stop here and have a drink or something like that. See, when you start adding variables to an evening that you have already planned it can turn in to a full on ADVENTURE, and what makes an adventure and adventure is the fact that you don’t have a plan.

Remember, you have already won if you think about it; you just have to defend your title and maintain that “Champion” status, and that’s the game right there.