Ok, so a number of counties in Georgia have been passing statutes or discussing statutes involving the serious subject of
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I bet these guys listen to "DRAKE" |
Sagging Pants.
To be honest, I remember reading about these things a while back and to be honest my passing opinion on the matter was simply, “ I don’t care”, well at least not caring past the whole racial profiling blah blah blah this is only a way for cops to harass young black men that may or may not be doing something wrong.
Well, to be honest, the only things I ever see that are in the middle of the road are always dead and stinky, so I have decided to take a position on the issue, and that position is one in support of legislation that makes sagging pants below your waist a misdemeanor punishable by fines and community service.
Yeah, I said it.
Seriously, I don’t want walk around and see people’s underwear.
Wait, before we get into this, let me say this:
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In Prison, this is called "Advertising" |
Now, most people that feel some sort a way about the issue will basically try to lump sagging pants into other aspects of culture, Freedom of expression, racial bias, profiling, and anything else that can be used to deflect from the actual reason behind legislation about pants sagging.
Now, you may say, “Well I feel the same way about people with full sleeve tattoos “ Why don’t we cite these people and fine them also. Well that is an easy one(and it covers the aspects of culture). Getting a tattoo is a lifestyle choice. Just like being a vegetarian, a combat athlete, a homosexual*, and one of those people that dive in dumpsters simply for the fact that they don’t want to pay for food, these people do not offend the senses of others in normal aspects of human interaction. As a matter of fact, if a person with a sleeve tattoo had a job where tattoos are not to be visible, for the most part I imagine they would just rock some long sleeves.
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What is he really trying to say? |
As far as freedom of expression, this is really just that bullshit. What are you exactly expressing through the artistic medium of showing the world your boxers, briefs, and the pair basketball shorts you have on under your 4 times too large jeans?
Seriously, how does the first amendment pertain to sagging pants? A person’s underwear is neither art nor entertainment, so let me ask you this:
What has no thumbs and doesn’t give a shit if you get a ticket for sagging your pants?
The first amendment, that’s who!
I’m just kidding, see there is a place for folks that want to sag their jeans and claim that it is freedom of speech. It’s called Miller V. California 1973, The short version of this important case that pertains to pants on the ground supporters is that this case gives a clear definition of what is Obscene.
Matter fact, let me hit you with the important part.
See there are three requirements that something has to meet before it can be considered Obscene. The work must first, appeal to the average person's prurient (shameful, morbid) interest in sex. Second, depict sexual conduct in a "patently offensive way" as defined by community standards, and lastly, taken as a whole, lack serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
As far as the racial bias and profiling, I can honestly say that if you are cited for pants sagging and you just so happen to have an ounce or more of weed on you, have a bench warrant out for your arrest, failure to pay child support or anything else that could be determined from a police officer running your license after they stop you for having your pants sagging, is your fault. That has nothing to do with race or ethnicity stupidity, like love is also color blind.
Then you know there is the whole, the city of is just looking to get money any way they can and that is why they are doing anyway. I really have one response to that.
I wish they would take the money from the citations from people who want to sag their pants and pump it back into the community by funding afterschool programs, improving the local community, and anything that would be positive to the most people the most often. For the most part, the first offense from my research ranges from 25-50 dollars, which is really nothing, but the second offenses can possibly run as high as 200 dollars, and possibly community service hours.
How many times do you have to get hit with a 200 fine before pulling up your pants becomes a good idea?
I am interested to find out.
*if you read all of this blog and feel some sort of way about me stating that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice and you want to engage me on the subject, let me ask you this first. What has two thumbs and doesn’t give a shit about what two people do on their own time?
This guy!