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I don't make this stuff up

Monday, March 7, 2011

I am sooooo confused, well not really.

Like everyone else in my age bracket, I try to eat healthy. Eating healthy is very difficult with all the dollar menu's, .75 wings, 1.00 draft, free stuff from chic-fi-la, and the proverbial turf war between dominos, and Papa johns pizza that gives everyone in this back water town 5.00 pies almost all of the time. Which is cool, because well...no one makes anyone eat at any of these places.

Well no one strong arms you at least.

I guess that is well enough, because as much as these companies spend enticing you to come and eat at these places you got a bunch more people telling you how evil it is. Now I am not going to go list any links for other things for you to read.

If you want to read it I trust you are smart enough to google it yourself.

Now a few years back there was this documentary called "Super Size Me", it was about this guy who obviously has this overbearing vegitarian bitch of a girlfriend that has him eating like a rabbit and probably gave him the option of eating grass and bark or never getting laid.

So what does he do?

Well he does what most men do when faced with that situation, he does what he has to do, and he eats the rabbit food. Of course he gets tired of it, and instead of telling his obviously overbearing vegetarian bitch of a girlfriend, "I ain't going for it! If I want to eat 12 baby cows and wash it down with tiger blood, then dammit Imma do it"

He makes a documentary about how fast food is bad, obviously as a head-fake so he can actually eat it.

We all do it ladies, and you fall for it every time.

Anyway, this documentary was pretty awesome. He is a youtube clip of basically what this guy does for thirty days

So after that, I watched this other documentary called food inc.

This documentary talks about how evil any food product that has a president, CEO, and VP of marketing is in fact the spawn of Satan with no other purpose in life but to pump you full of delicious, inexpensive, and easily accessible poison.

And they did a good job of it too!

While I didn't go full fledged Vegan off of this documentary, I did in fact curb my fast food intake to a screeching halt for about 60 days. Even now, I think I have only eaten at fast food places a handful of times.

By the way, I am not counting quick trip in this tally.

This documentary was crazy, now I can't trust the grocery stores. 100% all natural, Rubbish! Farm raised? Old McDonald didn't have no fish! Organic, huh? I was starting to feel the same way I felt when I was a kid when Shawn Michaels Super Kicked Marty Jennetty through Brutus the barber beefcakes window Wayyyyyy back when, in case you were living under a rock

Oh yeah, I forgot a clip of Food Inc(I got too caught up in the awesomeness of the Rockers).

So what have I been doing to steer myself through this storm of information?

Well I joined a gym, started reading labels, and set some fitness goals. I figure, if I worked harder and cut my calories then I would lose the weight that I got from the year or so of dollar menus, 1.00 draft, .45 cent wings, Chinese buffet, and individually wrapped snacks. Then I see this documentary.

This guy basically puts a middle finger to the above posted documentary and uses a mixture of math and common sense to not so much disprove super-size me, but disprove how he got to his destination. Obviously, this guy doesn't get laid as much as a man that eats grass and bark like their overbearing broccoli headed girlfriend does, but at least he eats what he wants. He even played a race card, and the only thing I could say was, "Well played sir, well played". He called up Morgan and asked to see his food log several times so he could actually see what he ate daily, and low and behold, ol'boy's people were not trying to give up the goods.

I mean, why not? If everything was on the up and up why not.


Oh here is a clip from his documentary

So what do you do, for every idea about exercising that say's do "X" and you will get "Y" results, you have somebody else telling you that is not true at all you really have to do is "B" to get "Y" results. Then you have people telling you that it is all genetic and you were really doomed from the start.

Eat Low Fat


No carb


What is anyone to do? Now, I understand that nothing get's done without effort, but seriously can you take that seriously when every health magazine is guaranteeing results in less than ten days on average to the populous! Whenever I get overwhelmed by all this (dis)information, I ask myself, "What did the Spartan's do(no homo)?"

Then I just get outside and sweat.